Sun Power Takes Center Stage at Marietta's Earth Day!

This Earth Day, our BB2C Makerspace ditched the boring old extension cords and unveiled a project that was both eco-friendly and awesome: a mobile solar energy system! Partnering with Murphy Brothers Solar, they created a system that powered a dazzling display of electronics, and the coolest part? It even ran a giant 3D printer!

Picture this: hundreds of people at Marietta’s Earth Day celebration on the Armory lawn, stopping in their tracks to see a 3D printer whirring to life, fueled entirely by sunshine. It was straight out of an eco-comic book come to life!

But this wasn't just about showing off fancy gadgets (although, let's be honest, the giant 3D printer was pretty incredible). The project truly highlighted the heart of BB2C Makerspace: empowering people of all ages with incredible skills and fostering a space for creativity to thrive. But that's not all! They once again partnered with our local small businesses to to highlight thriving communities, giving Murphy Brothers Solar a unique platform to showcase their solar expertise.

So, the next time you hear "makerspace," don't just think drills and dusty workbenches. Think sunshine-powered 3D printers, a community buzzing with innovation, and a giant leap forward for green living! On top of that, the project even offered insights on how to affordably bring solar power to your own home. Now that's an Earth Day celebration worth celebrating!


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